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Why and How to Read More Books In 2024

Reading abounds with positive effects; however, it requires discipline, and in today’s world full of digital distractions, many people find it challenging to make it a habit. It seems a lot easier to put on something to watch rather than pick up a book, doesn’t it? The average user spends more than 2 hours a day watching Netflix, but an American reads less than 17 minutes a day! This is a discouraging statistic, considering the treasures that lie between book pages.

how to read more books

In this article, you’ll find out how reading more books can change your life and why it’s worth reflecting on your reading habits. Let’s jump right in!

The Benefits of Reading More

Reading is full of benefits, many out of the literary world. By reading more, you will:

■ Improve your attention span

■ Explore new ideas/concepts

■ Reduce stress

■ Lower the risk of cognitive decline

■ Expand your vocabulary

■ Gain knowledge

■ Become more empathetic

■ Become a better writer

■ Enhance your imagination and creativity

It is an exercise for the brain. Stay focused, follow the narratives, and comprehend the story and its ideas. Reading betters both your inner and outer worlds. You become calmer, more educated, and more insightful but also get more empathetic and learn new words and sentence structure, making you a better writer.

Knowing these benefits, you’ll know that reading is way more rewarding than scrolling down on social media.

Setting Realistic Reading Goals

No matter what, the best way to read more is by setting realistic goals. In order to create an achievable target, you need to be aware of your reading speed, schedule, and expectations. And remember - it's not about speed-reading through a mountain of books; it's about finding your rhythm!

Another thing that matters is the genre of books you prefer reading – for example; historical fiction is usually longer while chick lits tend to be shorter. Plus, some authors are a breeze to read, while others are like a mental workout. Colleen Hoover’s books, let’s say, require a completely different mental load than Steinbeck’s. The point is, it’s not always about the quantity of books you read, because that depends on many factors.

Keep in mind that reading goals are highly personal.

Take Stephen King, the famous novelist, who shares that he reads about 80 books annually. Most people would find this impressive, while for others, it is not that big of a number. It all depends on your point of view, so when setting the goal, focus on your expectations.

If you are confused and you don’t know where to start from – begin with one book a month; you would still be reading more than the average person!

Creating a Reading Schedule

The secret to effortless reading and consistency is a well-crafted reading schedule. How to make the right one for yourself? The foundation of a good schedule lies in the right evaluation of your goals and the time you can allocate.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  1. Are you only reading for leisure, or do you have a set reading goal you want to achieve?

  2. Do you have much free time, or is your schedule packed?

By considering these two questions, you can tailor your schedule to your needs.

Here is some advice on making the most of your reading time:

Don’t limit yourself to reading only in the specific time slots in your schedule. Reading is an incredibly convenient hobby because it doesn’t require much, and you can do it almost everywhere. Waiting for the doctor? Take out your book. Stuck in a traffic jam? Play an audiobook. This is a great way to stay entertained (and get closer to your reading goal) while waiting for time to pass. If your hobby was, let’s say, playing the guitar, you wouldn’t be able to do that.

Make use of technology! In a busy world filled with distractions, you don’t have to put another thing on your mind. You can use many apps to set reminders and track your progress. Goodreads is perfect if you want to monitor how much you’re reading and how many pages are left. Also, there, you can create a list of books you want to explore in the future.

Selecting the Right Books

Have you ever walked into a bookstore and felt overwhelmed by the variety of books? It’s estimated that each year, over 2 million books are being published, so it’s completely normal to feel uncertain when faced with so many choices.

  • The best way is to start by understanding your interests. Are you looking for escapism you can find in fiction? Or do you want to read about personal growth? Maybe you seek a genre that keeps you on your toes till the end, like mystery and horror?

  • Explore, explore, explore! We are all prejudiced and keen on staying in our comfort zone. Don’t let that stop you from finding something you love. Next time you have the chance, pick a book from a genre you haven’t read before.

  • Sometimes, it’s simpler than we imagine, and the perfect book suggestion can be next to us. Have you heard the saying “You are who your friends are”? The people we surround ourselves with usually have similar tastes and ideas, so why not ask your friends for book recommendations?

Minimizing Distractions

​ ○ It’s common knowledge that we are constantly bombarded with distractions. Social media notifications, email pings, calls, and many more keep us glued to our phones and away from joys of life like reading. The mortal enemy of reading, distractions decrease our comprehension and enjoyment, so it’s essential that we know how to deal with them.

​○ When it’s time for your designated reading sessions, try to find a cozy and quiet place. Ensure that you are comfortable and the space is free from noisy family members or roommates. Another important thing that may come off as obvious but is often ignored, is that the more interested you are in the book you are reading, the harder it is to be distracted.

Treat your reading time as digital detox – an opportunity to reduce screen time! Natural human curiosity makes us want to immediately check when we hear a notification, but often it’s just not worth the interruption. Put your phone away and turn off the sound, a small act that will radically change your reading habits. Also, there are many apps designed to assist you in the mission to stay focused (for example Cold Turkey, Forest, StayFocusd, Freedom, and RescueTime).

Summarized, here are some tips on how to create a reading-friendly environment:

■ Read in a comfortable and quiet place

■ Put your phone out of reach

■ Silence notifications

■ Use productivity apps

■ Invest in noise-canceling headphones

■ Make sure you’ve picked an interesting book

Utilizing Technology

A revolution in the reading world happened in the early 1930s, when audiobooks were first invented. Since then, bibliophiles have been discussing whether audiobooks count as “reading” (you can see an amazing article about some opinions and the development of audiobooks from JSTOR Daily). While both sides are giving valid arguments, over the last few years, this debate has been settling down. Most people nowadays agree that despite being different, audiobooks are a great way to explore new stories and they’re not a lesser way to consume literature.

Audiobooks offer the opportunity for multitasking and make “reading” more accessible than it has ever been. You can utilize them whenever you exercise, commute, do household chores, or walk! Ultimately, that’s their biggest advantage.

Exactly because they are different, audiobooks can offer other benefits. Research proves that they improve our listening skills and comprehension and are a great alternative for people who don’t enjoy reading. There’s controversy around audiobooks because they’re subjective – whether they are right for you boils down to personal preferences.

Some of the most popular apps where you can find audiobooks are Audible, Storytel, LibriVox, Google Play Books, and Apple Books. Now, even Spotify, primarily known for music streaming, offers audiobooks!

Joining a Reading Community

The best way to keep reading more is by discussing what you read. Engaging with a community can be a game-changer, so find local book clubs and take your reading adventures to a new level! The benefits of these book clubs are plentiful, from group activities and structured schedules to the invaluable support of fellow readers, all of which motivate you to read and savor the experience consistently.

Talking with others about the books you’re reading provides insights that are new to you. Other people's perspective is invaluable because it helps you see things you may not have realized before. By making you turn your attention to something you overlooked when reading, you discover more of the beauty in a book. And last but not least, in book clubs you can find new smart friends (or even something more).

Book clubs are not restricted to in-person meetings! There are so many amazing online reading communities and forums. Their advantage is that they don’t have a set meeting time, and you can participate whenever you want. You get to meet even more like-minded individuals and recommendations there than in a physical club. Some forums even host Q&A sessions with authors, creating an opportunity for you to discover or connect with creators you like!

Overcoming Common Obstacles

Sometimes, picking up a book seems like the hardest thing in the world – we’ve all been there. You suddenly lose interest in the book you’re reading or can’t find the motivation to start a new novel after finishing the previous one. This is a common occurrence, even for the most dedicated readers, and it has a name – a reading slump.

If you make reading a habit, you’ll certainly experience a slump. When that happens, don’t force yourself to read; take a break. You can try taking your mind off by doing other hobbies, going out, seeing a movie, etc. Your motivation will return! Reading slumps are hardly unavoidable, but you can do some things to make them occur less often – break the monotony and switch between books! Try to alternative between genres (and even languages if you read in more than one)

Life gets hectic and busy. Deadlines and meetings can force us to skip several reading sessions and break our rhythm. Remember that reading requires discipline, but it’s supposed to be a relaxing activity, so don’t treat it as a race. Becoming a voracious reader is a journey. Get back on track as soon as possible, but don’t stress it.

Let’s Not Forget!

As always, consistency is key! Sometimes reading takes effort, especially if something happens in our personal life. The most important thing is to keep looking at reading not as a chore but as something relaxing you do for fun that helps you become a better person. Over time, you will notice your reading taste changing as you change, and you can reflect on personal growth through the books you read.

Keep it interesting! Switch between genres, discuss books that have caught your attention with different people and try out reading bingos and games. You can find some challenges here.

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